Building Community

The Building Community facet of our ministry model focuses on engaging pastors and churches to foster closer relationships and community with us and with each other

Every MB church and partner organization is building community at all levels for kingdom ministry.

  • Providing networking opportunities for our pastors
  • Facilitating cooperation between our churches
  • Fostering individual relationships with pastors and churches
  • Communicating regularly with our BCMB community

Our annual convention takes place at the end of April or beginning of May. It affords a chance for all BCMB member churches, pastors, and attendees to delve into the financial and operational details of BCMB and reports from its partner ministries. It is preceded by our Pastor’s Study Day, and is an opportunity for collective learning and reporting to members.

Pastor & Spouse Retreat
Pastor & Spouse Retreat

This event is open to all pastors employed at any BCMB member church. If you fall into this category, and you have not yet had the chance to experience our annual Pastor & Spouse Retreat, we invite you to take come check it out! It typically follows on the heels of our annual Convention, and is a fantastic opportunity for networking, refreshment, rest, encouragement, and an all-round uplifting time. We have made small changes and adjustments each year, to improve and enhance this time together in order to serve and bless our pastors more fully. If you have attended in the past, but have missed out on the last year or more, we invite you to join us again to check out what may have changed. We are so grateful for each of you!

Regional Conversations
Regional Conversations

Every year, our Executive Director and Director of Operations, make an effort to gather together with BCMB pastors in the 6 main regions that we serve, in Regional Conversations. These meetings facilitate discussion, provide information, align vision, and bring everyone onto the same page with regards to the direction of the churches in these regions as a whole. There is opportunity for collaborative strategizing, region specific concerns and challenges to be brought up, as well as the sharing of successes for the benefit of all.

Engaging with Lead Pastors and Teams
Engaging with Lead Pastors and Teams

Our Executive Director and Director of Operations are continually visiting our churches to directly engage the leadership and to help get the heartbeat of what is going on at ground level. This opens opportunities for training, resourcing, collaboration, and praise for what God is doing in His churches.

Church Visits and Preaching Support
Church Visits and Preaching Support

In order to get a better feel for our church families and to engage the members of these churches in our greater family dynamic, our Executive Director regularly visit our various churches over the weekend service times. Occasionally, they are invited to preach and share with the congregations as well. This can build relationships with church members, provide respite to lead pastors, and fill a gap at a church that is without a lead pastor.

Pastoral Transitions and Searches
Pastoral Transitions and Searches

BCMB leadership avails itself to churches who are in transition, as well as to those who are in need of  a lead pastor. We aid in the search for transitional and temporary leadership, as well as provide guidance and interview assistance to search teams when needed.

Crisis Support & Conflict Resolution

BCMB leadership and our partner ministries provide crisis support and conflict resolution when necessary. We have a wealth of tools and resources available to assist churches and leaders to navigate these tough areas, and will happily assist our churches and/or leaders at whatever level these situations require.

Newsletters & Social Media

BCMB seeks to communicate regularly with our pastors and member churches. We publish a monthly newsletter, and are expanding our sphere of communication to include social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. When posting publicly in any of these networks, individuals and churches can include the hashtag #BCMBfamily which will be aggregated to our tagboard to be viewed all in one place. By using a common hashtag, we hope to foster a greater sense of community within our churches.

Intentional Roundtable Meetings

Occasionally, BCMB will invite pastors to be a part of Intentional Round Table Discussions. These are groups of roughly 5 to 8 pastors who gather together to discuss specific topics related to ministry within the church.

Prayer Day

At times, BCMB will organize a BC-wide or region-wide prayer day and invite pastors and/church members to attend. These help ensure that our primary focus remains on Christ, as we realize we can do nothing without Him. Our BCMB office staff gather consistently as a group to pray for our churches and our camps. We periodically contact individual churches throughout the year to ask for specific prayer requests, but we also invite churches and pastors to submit their more urgent requests to us as the need arises. Please contact our receptionist to submit your prayer requests directly.

Submit your Prayer Requests to Us 
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