Multiplying Churches

The Multiplying Churches service area is integral to the mission of our churches, and of our conference. We desire to see Christ-centred churches multiplied throughout BC, and we are committed to supporting initiatives within our province that fulfill this mission.

Every MB church should consider being involved in multiplying churches at some level.

  • Identifying, developing and equipping church planters
  • Developing a strategic plan for church multiplication
  • Identifying areas where the gospel has limited reach
  • Collaborating with partners to see churches multiplied
Camp Ministry
Camp Ministry

BCMB Bible Camps Society is intentional about sharing the gospel with all campers. Camp leaders’ and volunteers’ primary focus is on the spiritual well-being of the campers who attend each summer, and on sharing God’s love in practical ways with them. Once camp season is over, any new believers who come to know the Lord at camp need to have a bridge or a connection with the local church in order to continue to grow in their newfound faith. Camp ministry and these connections are one of the areas that can fuel church growth and multiplication.

Learn more about Camp Ministry 
Missional Leadership Development

BCMB churches are encouraged to provide missional opportunities to their members, and to bolster these opportunities with training and development. Additional training and development can occur within the churches, or within the context of some of our partner ministries.

Church Planting
Church Planting

BCMB has created a taskforce in BC to help identify and support church planters in our province. We also work with our member churches to see church re-planting occur where possible, in order to continue to proclaim Christ in areas where church doors are threatening to close.

Church Renewal Church Renewal

Church renewal initiatives for strategic revitalization and implementation

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Developing Leaders Developing Leaders

Identifying, developing and supporting leaders to ensure the continuation of mission.

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Building Community Building Community

Fostering our theological identity and relationships, nurturing healthy accountability and partnerships.

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